
كاميرا فيديو ORDRO EP6 Plus POV Vlog مع بطاقة Micro 64G SD + جهاز تحكم عن بعد ذكي

$139.99 $199.99
حول كاميرا الفيديو القابلة للارتداء "ORDRO EP6"
هذه كاميرا نشطة مدمجة بحزام مثبت على الرأس ، والميزة الرئيسية أنها يمكنها التقاط الصور الأقرب إلى مجال الرؤية البشرية في نفس الوقت الارتفاع كخط البصر.

EP6 يوفر عرضًا كاملاً من منظور الشخص الأول ، وكاميرا مدونة فيديو رائعة:
يمكنك تصوير مقاطع الفيديو من منظور "المشاهدة" نفسه الذي يستخدمه المصور الفوتوغرافي ، حتى أولئك الذين يشاهدون الفيديو يمكنهم تجربة الواقعية والشعور الغامر كما لو كانوا هناك.

بالإضافة إلى سجلات الحياة العادية ، يمكن للمحترفين مثل أطباء الأسنان ومصففي الشعر ارتداء ORDRO EP6 والتصوير أثناء العمل. كما أنه يساعد على تحسين التكنولوجيا!

يمكن تحديد إطارات متعددة في الثانية:


30 إطارًا في الثانية و 60 إطارًا في الثانية والصور الأخرى عالية الجودة مع الحركة السلسة من الممكن تصوير مقاطع فيديو مفصلة. معدل الإطارات يعني سلاسة الفيديو. كلما زاد هذا الرقم ، كان الفيديو أكثر سلاسة.

من الممكن التصوير أثناء التسجيل
مزودًا بمستشعر CMOS ، يمكنك التقاط تفاصيل واضحة وجودة صورة عالية الدقة وعالية الوضوح ، والتقاط الصور بوضوح في الليل وفي المطر. < / ص>

عدسة زجاجية كروية عريضة الزاوية بزاوية 120 درجة:
مزودة بعدسة زجاجية كروية عريضة الزاوية يمكنها التصوير حتى 120 درجة ، وهو ما يمكن مقارنته بزاوية الرؤية البشرية.

الطلاء متعدد الطبقات
يُقال إن عدسات الكاميرا "مهمّة للطلاء".
"ORDRO EP6 Plus" لها نفس الطلاء متعدد الطبقات مثل الكاميرا العاكسة أحادية العدسة ، والتي يمنع انعكاس الضوء لكل طول موجي ويزيد من نفاذية الضوء.

صغيرة محمولة جميلة ودائمة
المظهر مصنوع من مادة ABS عالية الكثافة ، وهي مقاومة للماء والغبار. الوزن فقط 70 جرام

التحكم في تطبيق Smart APP (OD CAM) متوافق مع Apple / IOS / Android
1. التحكم الكامل في الكاميرا ، والمعاينة المباشرة ، والتشغيل ، وإعداد الكاميرا.
2. تنزيل الملفات ومشاركتها على حسابك الاجتماعي.

جهاز تحكم عن بعد ملائم:
يتم توصيل جهاز التحكم عن بعد المخصص تلقائيًا عن طريق تشغيل الوحدة الرئيسية ببساطة. ليست هناك حاجة إلى إعدادات معقدة.
مسافة التشغيل التي تبلغ 3 أمتار مؤمنة ، و سهل الاستخدام بتصميم بسيط مع زر صورة وزر فيديو فقط.

دعم ما يصل إلى بطاقة 128GTF مضمنة
ذاكرة ضخمة للتصوير طويل الأمد
يدعم بطاقة ذاكرة كبيرة السعة 128 جيجا ، التوصيل والتشغيل ، تسجيل فيديو 1080 بكسل 12-14 ساعة ، شاهد كل لحظة رائعة معك!

موجه صوت لعملية اللمس:
إنها تعتمد عملية اللمس الصفري ، ويطالب صوت الجمال العملية طوال العملية بأكملها ، والاستجابة سريعة في أي وقت وفي أي مكان ، < br> دع اللحظات الرائعة يتم تصويرها بالكامل ، باستخدام التكنولوجيا المطفية الجديدة ، بدون بصمات أصابع ولا خوف من أن تتسخ.

مواصفات المنتج :

قائمة التعبئة

إذا كانت لديك أي أسئلة ، من فضلك لا تقلق ، وسنبذل قصارى جهدنا لحلها من أجلك.

يقدم ORDRO ضمانًا لمدة عام وخدمة عملاء ودودة. لا تتردد في الاتصال بنا إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة.

  • Delivery is free for all orders over $169. Otherwise, delivery is $9-$20 depending on the items you plan to purchase.
  • Once your product has shipped, it usually takes 7 to 10 business days in others order, 5 to 9 in Europe. 10 to 14 for the rest of the world. If you have not received your products, feel free to contact us using our contact page.
  • You can return your product up to 30 days after receiving your order. Please make sure that the products are not used or damaged.
  • Camera accessories and smart watches do not currently support local delivery.
  • Due to the impact of the epidemic, there will be a certain degree of delay in logistics. Please be patient.
  • Tip: The order will be confirmed by email before shipment. Please check the email in time.


Dear customer
We will set up overseas warehouses in some countries, so some goods can be delivered locally.
North America: United States, Canada.
Asia: Japan
Europe: The countries covered by the European Union, as well as the United Kingdom.

Camera accessories and smart watches do not currently support local delivery.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Andrew V
Great device, comes in more than handy

I'm a technology specialist and often find myself working on a server with the support team. During such times, I used to use my cell phone to "stream" the work so the provider can see what I am doing but it's a pain to hold the phone. Now I just plug the Ordro EP6+ into my laptop and use Teams to stream my work, hands free allows me to work effortlessly. I chose the EP6+ because it had all the features I needed at a pretty affordable price. I am very impressed with it, it was a great purchase, so much so, our office is considering giving all the techs a partial reimbursement if they pick one of these up. I had some issues attaching to the app but figured it out and Ordro has great support. Yep, it's a staple in my tool kit!

Sarayuth Chaileuangleu
The wonderful Ordro Ep6 plus

This Ordro Ep6 plus is wonderful camera and useful kit for sharing your experience through video live,
I recommend for other who estime to find out the experience

Thank you for your support, customers

There is nothing wrong with your choice, one of the best at this price, and we will continue to work hard to do better

Philip Terence Ponado
One of the best actions cameras i bought

really good device and does the job of being an fpv camera ., will probably order another one soon ., Seller is accomodating and really knows customer service

You are welcome, this is the service we should do, my pleasure
Looking forward to your next order.

Ordpro 6

Unfortunately a slow delivery date (even though express paid) ruined the experience. Wrist band holding video/ camera activation watch broke on first use. Otherwise camera and video quality good, comfortable to wear, but not good on focusing on small detail. ie. labels. Good unit for the price though.

Sorry sir

Bring you a bad experience. Regarding your feedback, we will improve it, perfect our customer experience, and improve the product.

wish you a happy life☺️☺️

It's an amazing camera, it has a ton of useful functions and high quality video.

1. Design;
2. Video quality;
3. Rich resolution choice;
4. Fantastic and superior audio recording quality (it recorded ZERO static/choppy audio at speeds of 130mph+ with windows/top down), audio is just amazing on this little Ordro camera;
5. Wear comfort/versatility - it's not a hidden spy cam, it's a top of the line hands free recording device, you won't look silly wearing it, it looks like older Bluetooth devices;
6. Accessories Remote+Android App (remote is just perfect and absolutely brilliant to use, the app can be buggy and have some errors while trying to change the camera network name and password but it only happened on one model the replacement was perfect= firmware download issue);
7. Audio User Interface as in it lets you know when the battery is getting low or when the SD card is full through a speaker in your left ear;

All in all I'd say it beats anything else out there, used it for 2 weeks now and very ☺

Price was great and you definitely want the model with the remote, it's so convenient and comes with a 64GB SanDisk SDHC card.

You won't be disappointed.

ربما يعجبك أيضا

شوهدت مؤخرا

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Andrew V
Great device, comes in more than handy

I'm a technology specialist and often find myself working on a server with the support team. During such times, I used to use my cell phone to "stream" the work so the provider can see what I am doing but it's a pain to hold the phone. Now I just plug the Ordro EP6+ into my laptop and use Teams to stream my work, hands free allows me to work effortlessly. I chose the EP6+ because it had all the features I needed at a pretty affordable price. I am very impressed with it, it was a great purchase, so much so, our office is considering giving all the techs a partial reimbursement if they pick one of these up. I had some issues attaching to the app but figured it out and Ordro has great support. Yep, it's a staple in my tool kit!

Sarayuth Chaileuangleu
The wonderful Ordro Ep6 plus

This Ordro Ep6 plus is wonderful camera and useful kit for sharing your experience through video live,
I recommend for other who estime to find out the experience

Thank you for your support, customers

There is nothing wrong with your choice, one of the best at this price, and we will continue to work hard to do better

Philip Terence Ponado
One of the best actions cameras i bought

really good device and does the job of being an fpv camera ., will probably order another one soon ., Seller is accomodating and really knows customer service

You are welcome, this is the service we should do, my pleasure
Looking forward to your next order.

Ordpro 6

Unfortunately a slow delivery date (even though express paid) ruined the experience. Wrist band holding video/ camera activation watch broke on first use. Otherwise camera and video quality good, comfortable to wear, but not good on focusing on small detail. ie. labels. Good unit for the price though.

Sorry sir

Bring you a bad experience. Regarding your feedback, we will improve it, perfect our customer experience, and improve the product.

wish you a happy life☺️☺️

It's an amazing camera, it has a ton of useful functions and high quality video.

1. Design;
2. Video quality;
3. Rich resolution choice;
4. Fantastic and superior audio recording quality (it recorded ZERO static/choppy audio at speeds of 130mph+ with windows/top down), audio is just amazing on this little Ordro camera;
5. Wear comfort/versatility - it's not a hidden spy cam, it's a top of the line hands free recording device, you won't look silly wearing it, it looks like older Bluetooth devices;
6. Accessories Remote+Android App (remote is just perfect and absolutely brilliant to use, the app can be buggy and have some errors while trying to change the camera network name and password but it only happened on one model the replacement was perfect= firmware download issue);
7. Audio User Interface as in it lets you know when the battery is getting low or when the SD card is full through a speaker in your left ear;

All in all I'd say it beats anything else out there, used it for 2 weeks now and very ☺

Price was great and you definitely want the model with the remote, it's so convenient and comes with a 64GB SanDisk SDHC card.

You won't be disappointed.